My Barber Story

How do you like it when your barber does exactly what you've asked while taking into consideration your unique hair type, texture, and growth patterns?

  How do you like leaving the barbershop feeling fresh, clean, and confident that you're looking your best?

         That quest began my personal journey into the barber world. Let me explain...

          I was born into a multi-cultural family, with a multi-cultural head of hair.

         My semi-wavy, partiality kinky-curly hair with unusual cowlicks and mismatched growth patterns presented a challenge for many barbers to master. This left me with a lot of bad haircuts.

         Once I became old enough to; I set out on my own search for a barber who was able to send me from the chair feeling satisfied and confident.

          By the age of sixteen, I had finally found that barber! He was a skillful master. He had gotten my haircut just right, and I'll never forget how great I felt after that!

          In fact, the experience changed my life. It was at that moment in time that I realized I wanted to become a barber.

          But not just any barber...I wanted to be that barber-the one who is willing to take the time and make the effort to use skill and natural artistic talent, to get your cut-just right.

          So, no matter what kind of hair you have-whether it be straight, curly, kinky, wavy, coarse, fine, thick, thin, cowlick or not, or any combination of all of the above-my greatest desire as a barber is to send you from my chair feeling refreshed, and like you're ready to take on the world!

        So please come see me... I hope I can be that barber for you!